Airplane Cool Math Games
Sort By Tag 'airplane' 1 Player 2 Players 3d Action Adventure Angry Birds angry birds game Arcade Ball Car cool games cool math Cool math game Cool Math games cool. Mathnook offers cool online flying games for kids. Children learn logic while playing fun, free online logic games and puzzle games.
Airports are a place of wonderment and busy action. With our airplane games, you can partake and have fun controlling and directing jets. Seca 284 Manual. In some challenges, you can fly through the sky, racing amongst the clouds and shooting down your enemies. If you prefer strategy challenges, take the helm as an air traffic controller.
You’ll balance time and speed as you control dozens of planes, attempting to land all of them without a crash. Land as many planes as you can, and set a new high score! Or, get behind the throttles of a commercial plane and attempt to drive through airport runways. Our airplane games feature simple controls which are perfect for all players.
You’ll learn to control a high-speed jet in seconds, using just the keys on your keyboard. Steer through the sky, avoid obstacles, and launch missiles with a simple key press. Back on the ground, you can control airplanes as they land and drive down the airport runways.
Younger players will enjoy Airport Mania games, which will have you landing cartoon-style planes, arranging taxis, and even setting up planes for liftoff! Burning Software For Wii Iso. No matter your preferred style of gameplay, we have the perfect challenge for you!
Flight is a straight-forward, easy to play, fun flight control game with plenty of upgrades and achievements to enjoy. The aim of this game is to throw a paper plane as far as you can, to complete 6 different levels, and travel 1000 meters (or yards) with least amount of “throws” on each level, while collecting as many achievements as possiblel, and upgrading your paper plane at the same time.
You will throw your plane across various landscapes – flying over different cities, countries and continents. Ready to travel the world by paper plane? Good, just make sure you dont 'fold' under the pressure!
How to Play: Pick the plane up with your left mouse click. Then throw it to the right side of the screen holding the mouse button and dragging the mouse itself, and release it. You will need to have good control over your mouse and wrist in order to throw the plane a good distance. It takes practice! To start, choose to play a New Game or Load Game (where you can continue where you left off on a game). Click on ‘Customize’ to customize your plane (change color and texture). Track your progress at the top of the game screen.
Upgrade your plane, its power and control by buying various upgrades from the chart. You can upgrade to a lighter model, buy extra throwing power and create a more aerodynamic model, reduce the fuel consumption by 10% or more, resist negative wind effects, and collect cranes and windmills. For example, you can buy an add on, such as a fire engine and then throw your plane, and push Spacebar to activate the fire engine to fly even further. Upgrades are not limited – you can buy a lighter model once, then make it even lighter (but that costs several times more), add more power, and again add even more power (but again at a higher cost). The cash you collect along your flight path is shown at the bottom of the game screen. There are also various achievements for you to gain, such as collecting 30 space starts in a single flight, flying over a country in 15 days or less, collecting $500 in a single flight etc. Collecting stars will earn you cash.
Collecting cranes will give you a bonus multiplier to all the cash you collect for a couple of seconds. Windmills will give your paper plane a last minute boost.