Transmit Folder

Select the Model and Dependencies • Ensure that all models are closed. On the eTransmit panel of the Add-Ins tab, click Transmit a model.

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Transmit Folder

• Choose a model to transmit: • Click Browse Model, and navigate to the location of the Revit model you want to transmit. • If you are connected to one or more Revit Servers and want to transmit a Revit Server model, click Browse Revit Server, and navigate to the location of the model you want to transmit. • Select the model (.*rvt) file, and click OK.

• For Save model to, click Browse folders, and navigate to the location where you want to store the files for transmittal. ETransmit for Autodesk Revit 2015 creates a subdirectory under the directory you choose. The subdirectory name is the model name plus the current date and time. For example if you choose My Documents/eTransmit as the save location for Revit model hospital_local, then files are stored in My Documents/eTransmit/hospital_local_2014-4-21_01.12.00. • Optional: Click Add files to select files such as supporting documents to include with the transmittal. Honda Nx 650 Repair Manual here.

The Add Additional Files to Transmit dialog displays. • To add a file: Click (Add), navigate to the location of the file to include, and click Open. Marta Sanchez Y Sin Embargo. • To remove a file: Select the file name, and click (Remove). Note: If you select to add Revit models with the Add files option, they are included in the transmittal, but are not checked for dependent files. • By default, the 'Include transmittal and error reports' option is selected. Note: XRefs linked to CAD models are not transmitted.

Imported CAD files are not included as separate files because they are stored entirely in the Revit project. DWF Markups DWF markups that are linked to the host model are repathed and copied to the save location. Decal image files • Decal image files used in the model are copied to the save location. • Including these files maximizes rendering fidelity, but may increase overall zipped file size.

• If not included, decal images will show as blank in the model. External keynote file The keynote table referenced in the model is copied to the save location. If not included, existing keynotes will display their last saved value. Important: Some file types are not currently saved with eTransmit for Autodesk Revit 2015.

• Optional: Select Upgrade and Cleanup options: • Cleanup (pre-2015 models will upgrade, slower): Upgrades the model and linked models to the current release. (Only Revit Release 2012 or later models can be upgraded.) Selecting this option will increase the transmittal time. Safeip Pro Full Cracked Mac. • If you selected Cleanup, you can select the following customization options for the model and linked models. (These actions only affect the transmitted models, not the source models.) • Disable worksets - removes all worksets from the models so that the files are easier for the recipient to use. When you select this option, the transmitted models are non-workshared. • Purge unused - removes unused families, materials, and other objects to reduce the file sizes.