Rules Of Digimon Card Game
Rules Set-Up. To start the battle, each player selects one Rookie-level Digimon card from their 30 card deck and places it face down in the Duel Zone. Rules Set-Up. To start the battle, each player selects one Rookie-level Digimon card from their 30 card deck and places it face down in the Duel Zone.
Shimmering Isles Unofficial Patch on this page. Hey Digimon fans. My coverage of the rules and tips of the new Digimon Fusion CCG from Bandai and Saban Entertainment. I go in complete coverage and silly mode to give you guys the best tips and recommendations according to the card game's flow and rules. Hope you guys enjoy this video and if you have any inputs or ideas that you feel I should apply to future videos please do let me know. =D I am open for ideas. This game is really fun by the way. Digimon Fusion Collectible Card Game is owned by Bandai and Saban respectively.
I do not own anything Digimon related nor related to the card game or its affiliated logo.