File Drag And Drop Vb6
Autocad Basketball Court Dwg. Certain VB6 controls have “automatic” drag/drop capability. Textbox, Filelistbox & Dirlistbox support OLE drag drop properties.
BTW: Carlosdl could run rings around me on this stuff. I just happen to keep a copy of VB6 Unleashed around & looked it up for you. How to actually use them?
VB.NET questions; SQL questions. A Simple Drag And Drop How To Example. So far I am able to drop random files into a listbox using this tutorial. May 27, 2011 Hi all, I spent a while searching for answers on the web, but all pages seem to forget about my query. I'm experienced well enough with receiving drag and. Using OLE Drag-and-Drop in Visual Basic 6. You might drag a file name to the recycle bin icon to delete it, drag an image to a printer icon to print it.