Command Line Loop Through Files
Miami Super Cops Ita. I have a Windows batch file that process a bunch of files. As part of this I use the following line: forfiles /p '%~dpn1%LogDir%' /m '%SupportLog%*' /c 'cmd /c.
@David Liddle: Of course it has -- you just don't understand (yet) how:-) -- Assume a very long text file values.list, where you have all the values listed, 1 per line. Would be very un-handy to type all these on the commandline again (which itself has length limits). I had to do exactly that thing with ~2.500 values a couple of weeks ago. And the list I had created thru another batch. I just didn't need to simply+boringly do echo. But more interesting stuff instead.;-) – Aug 9 '10 at 23:13.
Switch Function /D Indicates that the set contains directories. /R Causes the command to be executed recursively through the sub-directories of an indicated parent directory /L Loops through a command using starting, stepping, and ending parameters indicated in the set. /F Parses files or command output in a variety of ways I will consider a number of examples that illustrate the use of 'For' and its switches.
Simple iteration through a list The set of things that are to used can be listed explicitly. For example, the set could be a list of files: for%%X in (file1 file2 file3) do command. (Care must be taken to use correct paths when doing file operations.) A different example where the set items are strings is: For%%X in (eenie meenie miney moe) do (echo%%X)Wildcards can be also be used to denote a file set. For example: for%%X in (*.jpg) do commandThis will carry out the command on all files in the working directory with extension 'jpg'.
This process can be carried further by using several members in the set. For example to carry out a command on more than one file type use: for%%X in (*. Ms Powerpoint File Size Reduce Software 7.0 Crack. jpg *.gif *.png *.bmp) do command As always, keep in mind that the command line may choke on file names with spaces unless the name is enclosed correctly in quotes. Therefore, you might want to use '%%X' in the 'command' section. Looping through a series of values The well known action of stepping through a series of values in connection with 'if' and 'Goto' statements is succinctly done with the switch /l (This switch is an 'ell', not a 'one'). The statement has the form: for /l%%X in (.